Mayor of Dimitrovgrad municipality

Ivo Tenev Dimov

Mayor of Dimitrovgrad municipality


  • 15 "G. S. Rakovski" blvd.
  • phone: 0391/ 68 203
  • fax: 0391/ 66 698
  • email: [email protected]

Education and career

  • Bachelor of "Marketing" in Plovdiv University "Paisii Halendarski", Bulgarian School of Politics "Dimitar Panitsa"
  • Elected as Major of the Municipality Dimitrovgrad in October 2011.
  • Member of Parliament of the 41st National Assembly – 2009 – 2011
  • Chairman of the Municipal Council of Dimitrovgrad– 2007 – 2009
  • Member of the Board of the National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB)
  • Fluent in English language

Visiting hours

  • Registration for reception day - Municipal Center for information and services to the citizens, desk No.1 Registry, or by phone on 0391/ 68 214.
  • You can also sign up for a day reception electronically using the Feedback button

The mayor of the municipality:

  • manages the entire executive activity of the municipality;
  • submits for approval by the Municipal Council structure of the municipal administration;
  • appoints and dismisses the vice - municipal Mayors, deputy-mayors, the Heads of the units , supported by the municipal budget, employees of the municipal administration and imposes the stipulated by the law disciplinary sanctions;
  • responsible for the protection of public order, as for this, he is issuing written orders, binding for the Heads of the respective police services ;
  • organizes and is responsible for the development and implementation of the municipal budget;
  • organizes the implementation of the long-term programs;
  • organizes the fulfillment of the decisions of the Municipal Council and reports to it about this. Sends to the Municipal Council his acts, issued in implementation of his decisions within 7 days of their issuance;
  • organizes the fulfillment of the duties, arising from laws, from the acts of the President of the Republic and of the Council of Ministers;
  • entrusts the implementation of his functions to the mayors of the municipalities, coordinates and exercises control over the advisability and lawfulness in their implementation. Exercises control over the lawfulness of the acts and actions of the mayors of municipalities in the performance of their authority and can repeal their acts;
  • maintain links with political parties, public organizations and movements, as well as with other organs of local self-government in the country and abroad;
  • organizes and carries out actions on protection of the population in disasters and accidents;
  • assigns or allows the elaboration of development plans and their amendments for the territory of the municipality or for parts of it and approves certain development plans, under the conditions and by the order of the Spatial Planning Act and organizes their execution;
  • performs the functions of a public official on civil status and may assign these functions with a written order of the mayors of the municipalities in which are maintained registers for the civil status also of other officials from the municipal administration;
  • provides organizational and technical support of the Municipal Council;
  • approves the working regulations of the municipal administration;
  • executes his prerogatives for the acquisition, management and disposition of the municipal property not included in the capital of the municipal companies in the terms and conditions stipulated in the Municipal Property Act (MPA);
  • performs the functions of an authority under guardianship and custody;
  • determines the name of the positions of the civil servants and their distribution in groups and ranks according to the Uniform Classifier of Positions in the administration adopted by the Council of Ministers pursuant to art. 2, para. 2 of the Civil Servants Act (SPA);
  • awards ranks of the civil servants, according to art. 74 of the SPA;
  • approves the staff schedule of the employees in the municipal administration;
  • prepares a public annual report to the Municipal Council and the municipal population.
  • organizes the development of partnerships with municipalities from the country and abroad and non - governmental organizations (NGOs);
  • represents the municipality in front of physical and legal persons and in front of the court.
  • The municipality mayor performs other functions, defined with a law, secondary normative act or with the decision of the Municipal Council.
  • The municipality mayor, in the cases defined by the law, performs the functions assigned to him by the central government bodies.
  • In exercising his powers the Mayor of the municipality issues orders.

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