The second call for applications
The Municipality of Dimitrovgrad invites the residents of the town of Dimitrovgrad,
who use stationary individual and multi-family household combustion devices for wood and coal for heating,to apply for their replacement with ecological alternative devices that use natural gas, electricity or pellets as fuel.
Domestic heating with wood and coal is a major source of air pollution in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad. The replacement of appliances using wood and coal with alternative environmental heating sources aims to improve the quality of the air we breathe and to protect the health of the residents of Dimitrovgrad municipality. The municipality provided funding for the implementation of measures for replacement of old heating appliances, winning and starting the project "Improving air quality in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad by replacing solid fuel heaters with alternative forms of heating." The project is under the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" and is funded by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Dimitrovgrad Municipality will provide the approved persons free of charge:
- Delivery and installation in the home of a new heating device of their choice,
- On-site instruction upon delivery, as well as written instructions for operation and maintenance of the new heating device,
- Dismantling of the replaced wood and coal heating appliance, removal from the dwelling and its transfer for recycling,
- Two-year warranty and warranty service of the new heating device, subject to compliance with the requirements for proper operation and maintenance by the final recipient,
- One-time technical preventive inspection of the new heating device after the first heating season.
The conditions and the application procedure are described below and are in compliance with the requirements set by the Managing Authority of the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020".
1.Who can apply
Under this Call for replacement of wood and coal heating devices with environmentally friendly alternative heating devices may apply:
Individuals, owners or co-owners of a residential property in one-storey or multi-storey residential buildings, in which appliances (stoves, boilers, fireplaces) with wood and coal are used for heating property. The property must be located within the regulatory boundaries of the town of Dimitrovgrad.
The dwelling for which the replacement of the heating device is applied for must be used only for residential needs and there must be no registered trader at the address of the dwelling within the meaning of the Commercial Law.
Ownership / co-ownership is proved by a notary deed or other document certifying the ownership / co-ownership of the property. The document is submitted for reference when submitting application documents.
In case the applicant is a co-owner of less than 51% of ideal parts of the property, written consent is required from another co-owner (s) of the property, together with whom the applicant must own more than half of the ownership of the property. Consent from a co-owner is certified by a declaration from the respective co-owner.
Individuals have the opportunity to apply by choosing one of the following options:
- The individual is applying to replace a wood / coal heater in his home with a new heating device.
- A group of two or more natural owners of separate properties - residential sites in a residential building, which until the moment of application are heated independently with wood / coal appliances, can apply for the application of a common collective solution for local heating and replace their heating wood / coal appliances with one common heating device for all residential sites of the members of the group.
- A group of individuals who own private residential properties in a multi-family residential building, who use shared local heating with wood / coal, can choose one of the following options:
- one heating device for all properties in the group, or
- separate heating devices for each of the properties in the group, or
- separate heating devices for some of the properties in the group and one common heating device for general local heating for the others.
2.Mandatory conditions for participation
Each eligible applicant should meet the requirements set for the project as follows
- To declare in writing that:
- wishes to replace his / her wood / coal heating device (s) with a new / new heating device (s) specified by him / her, eligible according to the Call for Proposals, by acquiring free of charge the right of ownership over the new heating device two years after its delivery and installation ;
- agrees to provide the old heating device to the municipality free of charge according to the terms and conditions determined by the municipality, in order to hand it over for recycling;
- will use the new heating device in the specified property at least until the expiration of a period of 2 years from the date of delivery and installation;
- agrees to be inspected by persons appointed by the municipality for a period of 2 years from the date of delivery and installation of the new heating device;
- agrees with the obligation to use a specific type of fuel specified by the manufacturer for the respective heating device;
- no similar investments have been made in the property for replacement of a heating device for domestic heating, financed by another European or national source (including the National Energy Efficiency Program, LIFE Program, OP "Growing Regions 2014-2020", DESIREE, REECL and others.)
- in case of sale or transfer of ownership of the property to another person within two years of receipt of the new heating equipment, will provide conditions under which to ensure the use of the delivered heating devices by the new owner during this period.
- To sign a contract with the municipality after approval for participation in the project.
- To have paid the local taxes and fees due at the time of application for the real estate in which the heating appliance will be replaced.
- To build at his own expense a heating installation and other connections, if there are none, if he applies for heating with a water jacket or natural pellet heater.
The inspections that the municipality will carry out until the expiration of a period of 2 years from the date of delivery and installation of the new device will ensure that the final recipient uses the resulting device for heating, does not use wood and coal and uses the new heating device with care. of a good owner and the heating device has not been destroyed, sold or ceded, dismantled, dismantled or repaired by unauthorized persons during the warranty period.
3.Heating devices that can be applied for
The Municipality of Dimitrovgrad provides a wide range of ecological heating devices, among which the candidates can choose the most appropriate according to their desire and the specifics of the home.
To facilitate the selection, an electronic calculator has been published, which can be used to calculate what is the most suitable heating appliance according to the characteristics of the property and the needs of the applicant at:
1. Heating devices using pellets for heating
- Hot air pellet stove with closed combustion chamber 6 kW
- Hot air pellet stove with closed combustion chamber 8 kW
- Hot air pellet stove with closed combustion chamber 10 kW
- Hot air pellet stove with closed combustion chamber 12 kW
- Pellet stove with water jacket 12 kW
- Pellet stove with water jacket 18 kW
- Pellet stove with water jacket 25 kW
- Pellet boiler 25 kW
- Pellet boiler 33 kW
- Pellet boiler 39 kW
In case the applicant chooses a fireplace with a water jacket or a pellet boiler, he has the right to apply for a total of up to three steel panel radiators, listed below, regardless of size.
2. Heating devices using natural gas for heating
- Single-circuit natural gas condensing boiler up to 24 kW
- Single-circuit condensing boiler on natural gas up to 28 kW
- Single-circuit condensing boiler on natural gas up to 33 kW
- Single-circuit natural gas condensing boiler up to 42 kW
- Double-circuit natural gas condensing boiler up to 20 kW
- Wall-mounted condensing gas boiler with built-in boiler up to 24 kW
- Floor-standing gas condensing unit with built-in boiler up to 35 kW
- Gas convector for natural gas up to 3 kW
- Gas convector for natural gas up to 5 kW
In case the applicant chooses a natural gas condensing boiler, he has the right to apply for a total of up to three steel panel radiators, listed below, regardless of size.
In case the applicant wishes to be heated with gas convectors, he has the right to apply for a total of up to three convectors, regardless of their capacity.
3. Heating devices using electricity for heating
- Air conditioning 2.6 kW (9000 BTU)
- Air conditioning 3.4 kW (12,000 BTU)
- Air conditioning 4.3 kW (15,000 BTU)
- Air conditioning 5.2 kW (18,000 BTU)
- Air conditioning 6.9 kW (24,000 BTU)
- Air conditioning 9.2 kW (32,000 BTU)
In case the applicant chooses an electric heating device, he is entitled to a maximum of three air conditioners, regardless of their power.
4. Radiators
- Steel panel radiator (500x1200 cm)
- Steel panel radiator (500x1800 cm)
As mentioned above, radiators can be applied for if a pellet stove with a water jacket or a pellet boiler or a natural gas condensing boiler is selected .
4.Documents to be submitted upon application
According to the provided opportunities, individuals can apply independently for the replacement of the wood / coal heating appliance in their property or to unite for the implementation of a collective heating solution with a new ecological heating device.
An individual who applies independently for the replacement of a wood / coal heater shall submit the following documents:
- Application form (Sample №1). The application form is filled in according to the form according to the attached instructions for filling it out.
- Declaration of agreement with the conditions for participation (Model № 2)
The person shall also submit one or more of the following documents, if applicable according to the selected type of new heating device and the specific circumstances:
- Declaration of consent from the co-owner of the property (Form № 3). It applies only if the applicant is a co-owner of less than 51% of the ideal parts of the property. A declaration is filled in by each of the co-owners, together with whom the applicant owns more than half of the ownership of the property.
- Written positive statement from the gas distribution company for technical feasibility and consent for connection of the property to the central gas distribution network. The document is submitted in case you apply for a natural gas heating device for heating through the central gas distribution network. The opinion is received by the gas distribution company after an application submitted to it in advance within 10 (ten) days.
- Copy of the Decision of the General Assembly of the condominium. The document applies only when the property in which the solid fuel heater will be replaced is located in a building in condominium mode and the building is gasified for the first time. The decision is for consent, adopted by a majority of more than 50 percent of the ideal parts of the common parts in accordance with the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act and the Condominium Management Act.
- Technical design for gas installation . The document is presented only if you apply for a natural gas heating device and the gas supply will be carried out through individual delivery of compressed natural gas to the residential property. The document should be prepared by an authorized person in accordance with the applicable regulations.
- Power of attorney signed by the applicant for authorization of another person to submit the application documents on his behalf. In case the owner for various reasons is prevented or hindered from submitting the application documents within the deadline set for application, they may be submitted by a person authorized by the applicant. An example power of attorney is presented(Model № 5). The model is optional, but the power of attorney should contain the information specified in the model.
A group of two or more natural persons owning separate properties in a residential building, who apply for the application of a common collective solution for local heating with one heating device:
Applicants wishing to apply a collective solution for local heating with one common heating device shall submit a common Application Form. Each of the persons in the group for collective heating decisionseparately fills in and signs individual documents, specified below in item 3. The application documents are submitted by one of the persons, authorized by each of the other persons in the group, to submit on his behalf his individual documents, as well as the general required application documents.
- Collective decision application form (Model № 1A).
The application form for a collective decision shall be filled in according to the form in accordance with the attached instructions for its completion.
- Agreement between the candidates when applying for a collective heating solution
The agreement must contain the three names and ID card data of the persons in the group, the addresses of the properties, the type of heating device they are applying for, the total number of radiators, if any, as well as the place for installation of the heating device.
- The individual documents of each of the persons in the group for a collective heating solution are as follows:
3.1. Application form ( Sample № 1 )
3.2. Declaration of agreement with the conditions for participation ( Model № 2 )
3.3. Declaration of consent from the co-owner of the property ( Model № 3 ), if applicable
3.4. Power of attorney, signed by a property owner when applying for the application of collective heating, which authorizes one of the applicants to submit on his behalf the documents under the previous three points, as well as the general application documents
- Copy of Decision of the General Meeting of Owners - if applicable
The document is applied according to the requirements of the Spatial Development Act and the Condominium Management Act only when the property in which the solid fuel heater will be replaced is located in a building in condominium mode and the building is gasified for the first time. The decision is for consent, adopted by a majority of more than 50 percent of the ideal parts of the common parts in accordance with the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act and the Condominium Management Act.
- Written positive opinion from the gas distribution company for technical feasibility and consent for connection of the property - if applicable
- Technical design for gas installation in gas supply through individual supply of compressed natural gas - if applicable
The document is submitted in case you apply for a natural gas heating appliance
The application forms, declarations, sample draft contracts and other applicable documents can be found together with this Invitation on the website of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad in the section "News from Dimitrovgrad".
5.Deadline and place for submission of application documents
The deadline for submitting the application documents is from 05.10.2020 to 27.11.2020.
Within the specified period, documents are submitted every working day from 09.30 to 18.00 in the office opened for this purpose at the address: Dimitrovgrad, 5 Tsar Simeon Str.
When submitting the documents for reference, the following shall be submitted:
- ID card of the candidate;
- a document for ownership of the property, in which the heating device will be replaced (notary deed, certificate for use according to the Spatial Planning Act, division contract, certificate for heirs or other applicable documents with probative value).
When submitting the application documents, the receiving employees make a full on-site inspection for completeness and correctness of the completed documents. The data from the Application Form are entered on site by the employees in electronic format only upon presentation of all required documents. The registration number is given to the candidate after filling in all the information.
6.Ranking of the candidates and announcement of the results
After the application deadline, the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad reviews the submitted documents, assesses their compliance with the requirements and ranks all candidates who meet the applicable requirements. The ranking will be done by prioritizing the candidates according to the following indicators, combining environmental and socio-economic considerations:
№ |
Indicator |
Max. number of points |
1 |
Replacement of wood and coal heating with natural gas central heating |
5 |
2 |
Application of a collective solution with one heating device for two or more separate residential sites - separate properties |
4 |
3 |
The home in which the wood and coal heater will be replaced is located in a local "hot spot" * in terms of air pollution |
4 |
4 |
Energy efficiency of the home |
2 |
- The apartment has thermal insulation on the walls |
1 т. |
- Presence of heat-insulating joinery in the rooms that will be heated with the new heating device |
1 т. |
5 |
Presence in the household of: |
6 |
- child up to 2 years old |
2 т. |
a person over the age of 70 |
2 т. |
- a person with a disability |
2 т. |
6. |
Number of persons who will be heated with the new heater |
4 |
- 1 person |
1 т. |
- 2 people |
2 т. |
- 3 people |
3 т. |
- 4 and more persons |
4 т. |
7 |
Receipt of targeted heating assistance and monthly social assistance according to the Social Assistance Act |
3 |
- A person from the household receives targeted heating assistance |
2 т. |
- A person from the household receives targeted heating assistance and monthly social assistance |
3 т. |
* The local "hot spots" in the town of Dimitrovgrad include the neighborhoods of Hristo Botev, Druzhba, Rakovski, Dimitar Blagoev and Slavyanski.
When submitting the documents, the applicant shall indicate the circumstances of the indicators in the Application Form (except for indicator 3). At the stage of evaluation and ranking of the candidates or after that, the municipality of Dimitrovgrad may check the accuracy of the declared circumstances and / or require from the candidate documents for certifying the authenticity of the declared data.
Candidates are ranked according to the number of points received. In case of an equal number of points of two or more candidates, preference is given to candidates who received a higher number of points on the indicators in the order of their numbering (first on the first indicator, second on the second indicator and etc.).
In case the financial resource of the project allows, all applicants who meet the requirements are approved.
A list of the approved candidates shall be published on the website of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad within twenty days from the expiration of the application deadline. In order to protect personal data, the list includes only the registration number under which the submitted Application Form is registered and the number of points received on the priority indicators.
In the case of switching to natural gas heating, the approved candidate within one month of announcing the results submits to the project office a project for gasification / gas installation of the property (including the type of heating appliances: gas boiler or gas convectors), according to the regulations. system.
In the case of switching to heating with a pellet stove with a water jacket or heating with a pellet boiler with a water jacket, the approved candidate within one month of announcing the results submits to the project office a technical scheme of the water jacket installation, which must include the type and the power of the pellet heater.
7.Concluding a contract
Dimitrovgrad Municipality will invite the approved candidates to sign a contract with the municipality for free receipt of the selected heating device. The sample draft contract has been published for information to the citizens to this Call for applications.
In case an approved candidate withdraws before the signing of the contract, the municipality informs the next ranked candidate and concludes a contract with him.
The municipality will timely inform the approved candidates about the estimated date for concluding a contract depending on the delivery schedule of the heating devices.
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